Friday, August 24, 2007

More on Players evolution

Today we had more coding on players evolution. That is the reason why there will be no screenshot.

We already have an evolution criteria system working and I hope we can finish everything around this subject asap.

After we put this behind, an online BETA will be REALLY close! After UI adjustments and a couple minor stuff, the game will be on.


Anonymous said...

I didn't have the time to express my feelings about this matter in the other related post, so i'll throw it here.

I agree that players should "grow" until around 22-23, and in some cases they could get a couple of extra stat points after 23, lets say until 27-28. This could be like 3 stages of growth, something like fast growth until 19, medium until 23 and slooooooow until 28. Except for keepers, those i think should grow until later, 32-33 which is when a keeper's at his prime.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need an "Experience" statistic - players do get better even when they are older, defenders become more intelligent etc etc.

eg Bobby Moore was 25 in the 1966 World cup, yet he made his best performances at 29 ...

I can also imagine when Rooney is 29 he won't get sent off very often :-)

Unknown said...

Each player will have a inherent growth potential that will be not visible, of course. They will gain experience by playing matches (training will be implemented in the future) and when they have played enough they'll "level up" and increase their skills based on their potential.

This growth will be faster on low levels and will become slower and slower as players get more experienced. Old players (we have not defined the age yet) will not evolve any more, even if they haven't used all the potential they have.

With this system you'll never know when you buy a player whether he still have potential to grow or not until he plays a few matches.

Anonymous said...

Will the nationality take part in the process of players evolution. I mean, a brazilian player will have more chances of being a star than an albanian one? And, talking about stars, players will get silver and gold stars like it happened in Soccersim? Cheers!

Unknown said...

No, the nationality will take part only on the players initial skills, so even if two players from different countries have the same potential, their initial skills could make the difference. In other words, the chance of a player being a star is a sum of his initial skills and his potential.

Players won't have stars like in Soccersim and we haven't planned nothing similar yet.


Anonymous said...

what about player's position. As I see in the screenshot each player has a default set for his place in the field. Ok I understand you can play a MR on an MC or ML position, but some players play as well in different positions. I mean like in managersim, you had a M LR or LC or DM and depending on his stats, you could play him as a midfielder or defender....

Unknown said...

Well, it is possible, as sometimes happened on MS, that a midfielder is better in shooting than in passing, for instance and you may want to use him instead of one of your attackers. Putting a player in the "wrong" position won't make him act worse, it's just that his skills won't usually be the best for the wrong position, but if they are, no problem at all.

About the player side, well, to be honest it won't affect the match at all by now, the side is there only for future use and we may hide it in the first version.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that you have plans for implementing the "star" system. I mean nobody can deny the joy of seeing a youth rise from 1 silver to 3 gold.

Plus, it's important in terms of merchandise and sponsors no?

danilo said...

patrick, we can sure consider that in the future. every change will depend on our community needs/demands.

Anonymous said...

Forget the star system. How about a "marketability" system, to differentiate a little between SS. It would also have an effect on merchandise, fame of club, and ultimately funds. We all know that Football is a business more than anything else, and is now so much more about marketing certain players to create that "god" who sells 400MI in shirts. I suggest a "marketability" section like the SS personality notes. It could have different marketability traits, such as "pretty boy Beckham" type, "entertainer Ronaldinho" type, "young prodigy Messy" type, "media friendly choirboy Kaka" type, etc. etc. The level of the league and the level of the club (ie playing in international competitions, etc.), would dictate the players exposure to worldwide media, which would then dictate if marketing companies spot him, and then that in combination with his skill (he must be a good player), would dictate his "stars" and thus the money he brings in merchandise. In SS we saw that average or poor players with nothing special at all had many stars, and great players playing in good leagues had none (even if they played for a big club). Not very realistic at all. How can a Defensive midfielder like Dunga bring in more money then Kaka? The system I suggest would ensure 2 things. More realism and coherency, and that managers have control over how they market their players through 1 thing - winning. More fun, huh?;) Btw, will you have a star system for clubs, like in SS how a club with certain number of CL cups always made a lot of money even if they relegated to Serie Z?

Unknown said...

Very interesting ideia, anonymous. Our economy is still very simple and such ideias would really improve it a lot in the future, where new sources of income and expenses will take place. We'll consider that next time we work on Ruby Soccer economy.
