Friday, August 17, 2007

Tick frequency

My friends, time has come to decide the tick frequency of our first dimension. Please make your choice in the poll located in the right bar. Keep in mind that a fast tick pace will probably make it easier for you to tell us the fixes and improvements the game needs, but the most important thing is to choose the option that allows you to have more fun.


Unknown said...

I think 3 ticks per day is good. anything more is too fast and anything less is pretty slow. Also, it all depends on how quickly you wanna fix issues. I mean, we can have 6+ ticks a day, but most of us will probably only be around for about 4 or 5 or so.

Anonymous said...

If the first gameworld is going to run more than just a couple of months I would like a three-ticker.

If only a couple of months or less then a six ticker might work better.

When the game really starts then I´ll sure go for a three ticker if that is one option.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Im a six tick man myself, anything less for me is too slow and boring.

Hopefully you will open a few gameworlds with different tick speeds.

The poll doesnt work for me either,

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

The poll is not working for me either (I use Firefox). Anyway, I would like to play a 3 ticks per day game. Cheers!

danilo said...

this is a blogspot "plug and play" poll. it seems it is not very well done :(. But it works sometimes. you guys can also use the comments area to vote!

festas33 said...

well i would go for a 6 ticks a day if i had that time to give to it.

i think 3 ticks is my option


Anonymous said...

my opinion is that 4 ticks is a great solution.
it'll not be fast enough for the ones who like 3 ticks and not that slow for the 6 ticks boys.

it makes 36 days per season.
almost a season per month.
fast enough to see the problems and corrent them and of course to have fun playing the game.

Anonymous said...

I´d like the three ticker or even six ticker more than a four ticker because I think it is important for some people that the "divisional match day" is at the same time every day.

People who are not online 24/7 can try to log on at least before the important tick. If it was a four ticker the match day would not be at the same time and those people would have more difficulties to know when to try to log on.

But as I said before, for the betatesting I could go with a faster tick pace but when the game really starts I definitely have to play a 3-ticker because of school/work.

Anonymous said...

3 or 6 ticks definetly, more like 3 ticks. 4 ticks as said before is nasty cause you do not have the match at the same hour every time

Anonymous said...

3 Ticks should be the norm. My points are the same as some already have mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think on the match tick.
Forget what I said about 4 ticks.

Anonymous said...

6 ticks. Not too much, not too little.

Anonymous said...

I voted for 6. 12 would be the ideal, but i dont have the time to play it, even MO'ing tons of matches. Less than 6 becomes a pain in the ass to figure out what needs to be fixed, specially in what concerns the game's economy. Considering it takes 20-30 seasons to create those huge gaps between big and small teams, 3 ticks would take forever...

Anonymous said...

Sou mais adepto de 6 ticks para testar.
