Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Beta countries added

After reading your answers for our last poll we've agreed to have Brazil, England, Spain and Italy in our first version. Yesterday the data we have was updated with the teams currently on the 2 first divisions of these countries, totalizing 168 teams, which should be good enough at this point.

Don't be sad if your favorite country is not listed, it will certainly be added in the future. Thank you all for your votes.


Anonymous said...

Nice choices! I'm sure none will be sad at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad.

Unknown said...

Hehehe, don't be sad, you voted for south american countries but looks like most visitors here are from Europe, or at least prefer european teams.

Argentina and Uruguay (the countries you voted) will certainly be the next south american countries to be added in the future, as they have the best teams of the continent, after Brazil, of course ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was expecting only Brazil from South America. But I hoped for Argentina to enter too. 2 teams from Europe, 2 teams from Europe would be better in my opinion.
But anyway, the important thing is to have manageable teams.
If the countries chosen were Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova I'd be waiting to play the same way.