Monday, August 27, 2007

Ruby Soccer Wiki

The weekend wasn't completely lost, I was able to write some basic game concepts explanations and put it on our Wiki.

I have also written some screen specific explanations, they will be available later today or tomorrow. Danilo hasn't read the whole text, so he may have something to add to what I wrote.

The purpose of the Wiki is to work as a game help. Check it out when you have some time and let us know what your impressions are.



Unknown said...

just read up all of the wiki, i've already learned a couple of new things.

like tactics staying with the manager and not the team. that's a good idea making it easier for us to keep our little secrets about our formations :P

danilo said...

yes, this is one of the main ideas about the manager gameplay. it was just boring to delete the tactics before leaving a team in MS. :)

Anonymous said...

Tactics: will the tactics be like SS bug tactic where I can just put 5 good MA's in midfield and they will control possession for me?

Unknown said...

Hahahah, if only I knew that on MS days!

The answer to your question is no, putting 5 good midfielders (we don't have MA's, DA's and DM's) won't guarantee high possession rate to your team. Possession in RS matches seems to be well balanced.


Anonymous said...

In the Wiki you write that Merchandising income depends on the team's players quality but does it depend on the team's results like victories on domestic arena or international competitions ? What if I have low quality players and great tactics ?

Unknown said...

No, merchandising income depends only on players quality, the team's performance will influence sponsorship income in the future.

Anonymous said...

so how is possession decided?

danilo said...

let 100 be the number of turns where the ball was with a player during the match

if the players in your team had the ball for 30 turns, your team had 30% of possession.

Anonymous said...

But how does the player get the ball in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Obviously, tackle will be one way. But, how about loose balls? You can't tackle a ball without a player on it, so how is that decided? Is it by speed getting to the ball, control, aggression? If the coding of the game engine is not that deep yet, its ok because we can help when we start playing.

Unknown said...

Well, when nobody has the ball, faster players are likely to get the ball first, if close enough.

As you mentioned, tackling is obviously another way of getting the ball, I would add receiving a good pass or intercepting a pass.

Our match engine simulates a real match (except for the fact our players don't act exactly simultaneously), so all common real life situations that can happen during a match can happen in a RS match.

Anonymous said...

So its pretty much as SS. What about formations though? Is that also like SS, ie 442 beats 424, 352 beats 442, and those type of "laws". By beats, I mean that if a manager for example inputs a 442 and his opponent inputs a 424, the engine factors that in as a slight advantage. I see though that you guys don't have such rigid choices for formations.

Unknown said...

Exactly, we don't have such rigid choices and there are no clear advantages on choosing one formation over another. If you guys find these kind of "laws" during the gameplay, please let us know.


Unknown said...

man its going to take extensive testing....this should be fun!

by the way, i think the best way to test out if "laws" like this exist is if managers decide to test certain strategies vs other types of strategies. basically managers will need to share their strats if they wish to really know how well the tests work out.

will this be possible? or will it be considered cheating? i mean, if its beta testing then we should be allowed to collude no?

Unknown said...

and when i say colluding i'm talking about sharing of strategies. but ONLY during the BETA testing phase not afterwards when the game goes live.

Unknown said...

A good way to do these tests would be arranging friendlies with other managers and talking to each other about which strategies to use. On this first version we're not worried if someone is cheating or not, specially because the first dimensions will be reset at some point. But if you do find ways of cheating please let us know so we can fix the problem on latest versions.