Thursday, July 19, 2007

Formation Screen and Icon

Made a few suggested changes to the formation screen. Danilo is working on the double player bug which seems to be just a graphical glitch because of the script's asynchronous communication.

Also made a favicon for the game:


festas33 said...

much better ;)

festas33 said...

one question:

when we drag and drop a player he will be exactly where i dropped him or it will ajust to the nearest position on the defined tactic?

the tacticts that are available are the same that in ms? or can we do now 4-3-1-2 or 4-3-2-1 ? etc?

Unknown said...

There are no fixed tactics, you drop the players wherever you want. There are 5 spots on each zone (D,M,A), and each spot has a more defensive, a normal and an offensive version.

So basically you can play on anything from 5-5-0 to 0-5-5.

Fernando França said...

The positions themselves are fixed on that grid Gabriel mentioned. The grid is 5x9 (width x height). I think that's actually good because you cant group 10 players in a single spot.. makes strategy easier to understand too.

festas33 said...
