Thursday, July 26, 2007

Transfer, Loan and Contract icons

New icons to indicate players transfer listed, loan listed and those whose contract are coming to an end. Icons are now placed after player name in order to keep left alignment.


festas33 said...

Looks incredibly better now... Just the wage and value alignment issue, but i can live with it :P

One other thing, why aren't the youth players attributes aligned with the rest of the players?


Unknown said...

We've agreed that wage and value will stay as it is for now, hope it is not a big issue to anybody.

About the youths alignment, well, it's just because youths are in a different table, but we can easily align them. :D

Anonymous said...

out of the context:
the divisions will be Challenge-style or Fulltest-style?
Lots of divisions or just some?

Unknown said...

We have enough data to make it challenge style, but our first beta version will probably have only a few teams, for testing purpose. When we switch to a more stable version we'll certainly have lots of divisions, but no challenge concept for now.

Anonymous said...


When will the beta start? will I need to signup for it and hope im successfull or?

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

We think it is still possible to start it next month. Pending game features are strategy implementation (and therefore match improvements) and a minimum logic to make computer managed teams put players on transfer list and buy players.

About signup for the beta we need to discuss that better, but I think we'll have enough teams for the initial demand, so don't worry.
