Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Star Players

It's been a while since we last used this blog for real development update, but I think it's still a good channel to give some technical details of new features that are not yet in the game. Up next: star players.

As you may have seen from our latest announcements and screenshots the star player feature is well under way. Today I have completed the code to make sure the parameters involved in the star players calculations are configurable without code changes so that they can be easily modified in the future. I have also implemented the logic to assign stars to players during the season tick. Yes, that's when the magic is going to happen.

Next steps: parametrize and code the effects of star players. These will include increased estimated value, increased wage demands, match performance bonus, player hire influence and increased marketing income to start with. Each star player will provide one and only one benefit that will not be revealed...unless maybe with scouting, but that's not been fully agreed yet.

Stay tuned for more updates here or elsewhere in the days to come!

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